Foto Forum Santa Fe

Making a living as an artist, heck yes!

I’ve used magazine and newspaper advertising since the start of my career. Even now that I’m a fairly well known artist with a national reputation, I like the leeway of promoting my art the way I want it to look. Besides, it is fun working with people like America Meredith at First American Art Magazine (FAAM). They do a very nice job with producing the ads that are highly visible.

Ad for my Foto Forum Santa Fe solo exhibition.

I’ve always hired my favorite graphic designers because they’re gifted with things like typography, general page layouts and such. FAAM has a critical reach to targeted audiences.

Advertising in cool magazines such as First American Art Magazine has already proven itself as working to meet my expectations. A few years ago I made a limited edition portfolio of prints, and it is now in various museum collections. Of course, making sales means making a living as an artist.

I earn fellowships and grants on a regular basis, and keep my art in front of the public at regional, national and international museums all the time. As an artist I don’t always have the time to meet with the public directly, but do make the effort to speak at conferences, museums and galleries as often as possible.

By the way, artist’s websites are critical to all of the above too. For the first time in over 25 years my website has been taken offline, but it will reappear soon in a completely new incarnation. The fantastic graphic designer John Francis is doing the design and functional construction of the site. John is so amazingly gifted! I never in a million years could’ve designed a website like he is in the midst of building.

At any rate, here is what the ad looks like in the First American Art Magazine. The exhibition is titled “Raven Dreamt of Light” and will be showing at FOTO FORUM SANTA FE until October. Foto Forum is directed by the fabulously talented and hard working Sage Paisner.

(McNeil may be able to meet special guests at the gallery at a scheduled time, but needs to be contacted well in advance.)

Foto Forum Santa Fe

1714 Paseo de Peralta

Santa Fe, NM 87501


New McNeil Website