Tonto and Lone Ranger Satirical Series, 2004 to 2014

In the 20th century, American Culture was hopelessly mired in gratuitous stereotypes about the Indigenous peoples of the Americas (place eye roll here). Tonto was a weak-minded sidekick to the heroic cowboy lawman, the Lone Ranger. The residue of those negative stereotypes still persists nearly 70 years later. McNeil revisited the past, and in a slick Raven move, transposed the roles of Tonto and the Lone Ranger. The challenge was to use humor in the style of Raven while addressing serious issues such as the Indian Boarding Schools started by Richard Pratt at the Carlisle Boarding School. “The lone ranger was taken aback by Tonto’s resolve, and wondered what eepissedamollygee meant…”   


Sacred Series

