Climate Chaos, 1998 to Present

Our Climate Chaos was predicted as late as the 1960ʼs and it is kind of sad to say that America led the way, but in reality, all of humanity can take credit for it. To this day the fossil fuel industry is still in a full-blown denial mode about the climate chaos; not because they believe the denial, but because every minute that they sell more fossil fuels, they get richer. Dollar bills defines nature to them. Go figure. Our climate chaos is still winnable, but the fossil fuel crowd will have to lay off the denial. McNeil remains positive, especially with all the remarkable progress from the past decade with wind and solar energy. With the “Raven Dreamt About Light,” print we have Raven flying past the Antelope Coal Mines in Wyoming and it’s hot out. Very hot. We have cause to be optimistic, but donʼt forget your suntan lotion and life rafts.


Edward Curtis Satirical Series


Lithographs and Monotypes